July 2019

  • Global economic data for June indicated that the global economic slowdown continues. Pockets of resilience can still be found where domestic demand is strong, but where external demand is driving the ecosystem, weakness persists.
  • Data out of China have somewhat stabilised but are still soft. Weakness out of Europe and Japan indicates that the rebalancing act for the world’s marginal buyer continues on a rocky path.
  • Risks for global growth are increasing: Trade wars, Brexit uncertainty and the Chinese slowdown, along with the fact that the cycle is now the longest on record may unnerve investors. Central banks are increasingly, and somewhat competitively, accommodative and the Fed’s persistent assuaging of investor anxieties certainly helps those investors willing to buy on a dip.
  • Asset allocation was marginally positive for June. We gained significantly from our overweight in gold, which rallied in the last part of the month, while we slightly lost due to our exposure in UK property.
  • In June, the investment committee felt that conditions in the UK have worsened and that probabilities of a “Hard” Brexit have climbed. Therefore, we reduced weight in UK small cap stocks and UK property and increased weight in US stocks, gold and cash. We don’t maintain strong geographical preferences at this point, awaiting more visible catalysts going forward. We still believe that the cycle, for the time being, remains intact but it is showing increasing signs of maturity.


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