June 2019

  • Global economic data was still mixed in May. A resilient service sector and weak manufacturing suggested that, while internal demand for most countries continues to support the local economies, external conditions remain weak, affecting capital expenditure and investment. Data out of China have stabilised but weakness out of Europe and Japan indicates that the re-balancing act for the world’s marginal buyer continues on a rocky path.
  • Risks for global growth are increasing: Trade wars, Brexit uncertainty and the Chinese slowdown, along with the fact that the cycle is well into its 10th year, may unnerve investors. Central banks continue to be accommodative and the Fed’s persistent assuaging of investor anxieties certainly helps those investors willing to buy on a dip.
  • Asset allocation was marginally negative with fund selection more so. Previously being underweight fixed income had paid off, however this position reversed in May as yields fell on trade war fears. However our overweight in gold was positive and largely offset the losses from fixed income. In the equity space Jupiter Special Situations had a poor month, while funds with hedged share classes under-performed as Sterling fell on concerns that the winner of the Conservative leadership race could push for a no-deal Brexit come October if a new deal from the EU is not forthcoming.
  • Given the extent of uncertainty surrounding Brexit we remain cautious on the UK. However, in April’s investment committee we decided to rebalance our portfolios and eradicate our long standing underweight in Sterling, as we feel that the current uncertainty and bifurcation of scenarios (either a very GBP-positive or a very GBP negative) merits a “neutral position”. We don’t maintain strong geographical preferences at this point, awaiting more visible catalysts going forward. We still believe that the cycle, for the time being, remains intact but it is showing increasing signs of maturity.


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