May 2019

  • Global economic data is showing signs of improving, with US GDP surprising to the upside, Spain posting impressive growth and Italy coming out of recession. Eurozone unemployment is at the lowest rate since before the Global Financial Crisis as exports have remained surprisingly strong thanks to Chinese stimulus.
  • However there are continued risks for global growth. Trade wars, Brexit uncertainty and growing suspicions of a sharper than anticipated Chinese slowdown, along with the fact that the cycle is entering its tenth year, continue to unnerve investors. The US stance of zero tolerance regarding sanctions on Iranian oil could further complicate the picture for investors, as it has the potential to add inflationary pressures while also slowing growth in most economies – a toxic mix.
  • After the strong rally YTD, global equity valuations have returned to above historical averages, especially in the US. Nevertheless, they aren’t significantly overvalued compared with recent years and are supported by good earnings and low forward EPS expectations.
  • Asset allocation was positive with fund selection even more so for our performance in April. Being underweight Fixed Income worked well as longer duration assets sold off, however our overweight position in Gold detracted. Within Fixed Income a weighting away from Gilts and towards Strategic Bond funds, which tend to have less duration, also played out well. In the equity space funds with a tilt towards Ethical/Sustainable investing had a particularly strong month.
  • Given the extent of uncertainty surrounding Brexit we remain cautious on the UK. However, in April’s investment committee we decided to rebalance our portfolios and eradicate our long standing underweight in Sterling, as we now feel that there’s significant GBP upside, as Brexit tends toward either resolution or deferment, both of which are Pound-positive events. We don’t maintain strong geographical preferences at this point, awaiting more visible catalysts going forward. We still believe that the cycle, for the time being, remains intact but it is showing increasing signs of maturity.


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