Monthly Market Update: EM's Dollar Turmoil

Read our full Blueprint Sept 2018

August data continued to indicate global economic and risk asset divergence, consistent with a mature economic cycle, with USD assets rising as a result of Mr. Trump’s policies. The global economy is also diverging, with the US on a faster expansion path, while Europe and EM are slowing down. However, there’s increasing evidence of a slowdown in global trade, which is dampening global business sentiment. Higher oil prices have resulted in cycle-high input cost rises for companies, which is taking a toll on margins especially on some European companies. Capacity constraints due to higher demand are now giving way to slower new orders. Inflation figures continued to climb, justifying recent central bank hawkishness, as employment conditions continued to improve across most developed economies.

Volatility subsided in the summer, but trade salvos from the White House continued to upset traders.

Global equity valuations continue to hover above historical averages but shorter term metrics do not signal heightened valuation risks. Investors are aware of the potential impact of political gridlock, especially as the US mid-term elections draw nearer, as well as a growing trend of protectionist and isolationist policies which could further hamstring global growth.

Given the extent of uncertainty surrounding Brexit –despite recent positive news- we remain cautious on the UK, as more attractive valuations are still justified by the overall slowing growth. Otherwise, we have no strong geographic preferences, favouring large-caps.

In January 2018 the investment committee decided to take some profits and reduce our equity overweight to “neutral” -acknowledging early that high valuations could lead to a correction- and increase our cash holding. In April, we decided to use half the exposure in cash to buy gold as a hedge against more volatility, while in June we did not proceed with any material changes. We still believe that the cycle, for the time being, remains intact but it is showing signs of maturity.